Tuesday, May 24, 2011

      Harold Camping  has postponed "The Rapture" (commonly known as the "end of the world") until October 21st. I suggest you mark this date on your calendar. It would be a shame to miss it . . . again.

     I guess the election results have answered my blog heading question “Where Has My Canada Gone?” It has gone into a Conservative majority government under the leadership of arguably the most powerful Prime Minister in Canadian history.
     PM Harper has not only a majority in the House (and hence can get any bill passed) but also has a Conservative dominated Senate thanks to some 39 new appointments (unelected) and will have a Conservative majority in the Supreme court (after he fills the upcoming vacancies).
     And that isn’t even mentioning a totally inexperienced official NDP opposition, a decimated Liberal Party (34 seats) and the Bloc Party without even official party status (4 seats), and the establishment of the new Sun News Network to provide an easily controlled Conservative media outlet.
     On the upside, The Green Party now has its first seat elected seat in Parliament.

     The answer to where my Canada is going in the next four years can maybe best predicted by two quotes:
1) Stephen Harper's speech in 2004 when he won the leadership of the Conservative Party,
"We can create a country built on solid Conservative values not on expensive Liberal promises. A country the Liberals would not even recognize. "
2) Bette Davis (as commonly misquoted in the movie 'All About Eve'), "Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy ride. "
                           FYI the correct quote is, "It's going to be a bumpy night".

     After a couple of false starts, the Sun News Network is officially on the air as of April 18th, 2011,on a few stations/channels. Their start-up problems have been “resolved” and Kory Teneycke, VP of development for Quebecor and a former director of communications and chief spokesperson for Prime Minister Stephen Harper, is again at the head of the organization,
     The news program has two slogans: 'Canada's Home for Hard News and Straight Talk' and 'We're On Your Side'.
     I can accept the possibility of the first slogan but I have two problems with their second slogan. Firstly, how can they say they are on “my” side when they obviously don’t know me or what “my side” is on any given topic?. And, secondly, how can they say they are on everyone’s side a the same time?

      I guess the election results have answered my blog heading question “Where Has My Canada Gone?” It has gone into a Conservative majority government under the leadership of arguably the most powerful Prime Minister in Canadian history.
     PM Harper has not only a majority in the House (and hence can get any bill passed) but also has a Conservative dominated Senate thanks to some 39 new appointments (unelected) and will have a Conservative majority in the Supreme court (after he fills the upcoming vacancies).
     And that isn’t even mentioning a totally inexperienced official NDP opposition, a decimated Liberal Party (34 seats) and the Bloc Party without even official party status (4 seats) Oh yes, and the establishment of the new Sun News Network which should make it easier to provide controlled Conservative national media outlet.
     On the upside, The Green Party now has its first seat elected seat in Parliament.

     The answer to where my Canada is going in the next four years can maybe best predicted by two quotes;
1)  Stephen Harper's speech in 2004 when he won the leadership of the Conservative Party,
 "We can create a country built on solid Conservative values not on expensive Liberal promises. A country the Liberals would not even recognize."
 2) Bette Davis (as commonly misquoted in the movie 'All About Eve'), "Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy ride".
                              FYI the correct quote is, "It's going to be a bumpy night".
      After a couple of  false starts, the Sun News Network  is officially on the air as of April 18th, 2011,on a few stations/channels. Their start-up problems have been “resolved” and  Kory Teneycke, VP of development for Quebecor and a former director of communications and chief spokesperson for Prime Minister Stephen Harper, is again at the head of the organization,
     The news program has two slogans: 'Canada's Home for Hard News and Straight Talk' and 'We're On Your Side'.
     I can accept the possibility of the first slogan but I have two problems with their second slogan. Firstly, how can they say they are on “my” side when they obviously don’t know me or what “my side” is on any given topic?. And, secondly, how can they say they are on everyone’s side a the same time?